Free Yoga Training

Yoga is the science of the SELF.

Yoga can even be termed the science of man in depth, the science of aware evolution or the science of human potentialities.

Free Yoga Training

Before starting YOGA Practice, we should find out a good Teacher or GURU.

Rather than a teacher, he/she should be a guru, an acharya. Guru is an accomplished one, an expert in the field. Acharya is one WHO teaches by his personal example.


Acharya is the best teacher because he/she inspires while good teacher explains and a bad teacher complains.

Vedic India was on prime of the planet in each field—science, philosophy, art and craftsmanship. This was because of the gurus, acharyas and rishis (seers, mantr drishtas) WHO, as nishkamakarmayogis, worked altruistically for the benefit of humanity.

Top 13 qualities of a YOGA teacher is given below:

  • Should be a decent learner and prepared to additionally learn through the method of teaching
  • Must have a strong self-introspective ability
  • Must be discipline and dedicated towards the cause of Yoga
  • Should have a sound data of the Yoga principles as well as techniques at the side of an understanding of the precautions, contraindications etc.
  • Must have an understanding of the realistic nature of Yoga physiology, philosophy and psychology
  • Must possess a strong desire for spiritual evolution.
  • Should be willing to find out from all things not have an, “I know it all!” attitude.
  • Should possess a way of empathy for others.
  • Should be willing to sublimate their own EGO
  • Should have a good sense of humor and be able to laugh at themselves without reservation.
  • Should be ready to inspire others by self-example and lead the method as a real Yoga Acharya.
  • Should learn from their mistakes and be able to correct themselves once they have created such mistakes.
  • Must have devotion to the Guru who has guided them to the level of becoming a teacher themselves. Guru droha or treachery to one’s Guru is considered the worst sin.

To see my GURU and mentor's video click the link below