Dear viewers Headaches is very common problem for all us. Today we will discuss about 4 different Types of Headaches and it’s NATURAL Treatments.
We will focus on sinus, tension, migraine and cluster.
Sometimes we face headaches when we are very tired or in too much stress.
Few times, we face it because of lack of sleep.
More than 28 million people are suffering for migraine in United States of America. Source: National Headache foundation.
According to specialist, there are many types’ headaches. Most common headaches are Sinus headache, Tension or stress headache, Migraine headache and cluster headache.

Sinus headache:
By its name, we understand what type of headache is this. Sinus headache start when sinuses were blocked. Everyone should careful about this because it can cause high pain in head, cheeks, eyes and nose. Mostly it start after wake up at morning.

Main causes of sinus headache are allergic response, infection, and tumour. By the symptoms, it is slightly similar of migraine.
Natural Treatment:
Drink enough warm water. Warm water helps a lot to open the sinuses and decrease the inflammation.
Tension or stress headache:
This type of headache are rise because of high stress and anxiety. When muscles tighten up in our shoulders, neck and chin, the headache tends to cause a pressure, pulling and contractions that affect our forehead, face and scalp. Tension headache can last couple of minutes to a few days.

Don’t sleep enough, missed breakfast or lunch, stress in work or at home, highly emotions and drink too much alcohol.
Natural Treatment:
Apply peppermint oil to the scalp for freezing sensation. Ginger tea will also release the inflammation.
Migraine headache:
Migraine attacks is very painful headache and a large number of people are affected by it. Signs contain mood change, sometimes vomiting, aura, heavy headache pain, nausea, sensitivity to light, smells, noise and eye pain. Migraine is a prime headache disorder usually it pulsing or throbbing headaches in one area of the head. After it occur it last for few minutes to hour. If anyone experiencing migraine pain he/she can’t concentrate to anything as well as after the subside they feel tired.

Mainly high Stress, anxiety, sometimes for depression, emotional enthusiasm, Tiredness, Low blood sugar and lack of sleep are main causes for migraines. Most of the time females ware faced migraines problem during, before or after her period.
Natural Treatment:
Use ice pack on pained area, used a quiet and dark room for a good tight sleep, magnesium and exercise specially yoga.
Cluster headache:
Cluster headache is one of the most painful and severe headache, it occur on one side of head especially around the eye. When cluster attacks, it stayed for weeks or months at a time. Although cluster headache is not life threatening but it hampered on daily life.

The main cause of cluster headaches is mysterious; physicians do not know correctly, what causes for this type of headaches. Sometimes alcohol, over smoking, hot weather etc triggers this type of headache.
Natural Treatment:
Drinking enough water, have some capsaicin cream to the nostril to make a barricade of the nerve pain signals.
If anyone wants to avoid all type of headache, should follow basic few rules like: drink sufficient water, take at least 3-4 meal in a day, 7-8 hours of sleep, meditation, yoga or any type of exercise, avoid alcohol and smoking.
After that if you experience headache, please take advice from your doctor as soon as possible.
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